Fanuc Repair Service


Fanuc brand, servo drive repair, spindle drive repair, servomotor repair, power supply repair, electronic card repair and maintenance and repair of CNC monitor units.

You can count on Berk Electronic for all Fanuc repairs. At Berk Electronic, there is a team specializing in Fanuc repairs, state-of-the-art test equipment and Fanuc spare parts. The replacement parts we use in Fanuc repairs are all original Fanuc products.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.

Mitsubishi Repair Service

mitsubishi-logoWe are servicing Mitsubishi brand, servo drive repair, spindle drive repair, servomotor repair, power supply repair, electronic card repair and maintenance of Board units.

You can count on Berk Electronic for all Mitsubishi repairs. Berk Electronic has a team of experts in Mitsubishi repairs, state-of-the-art test equipment and Mitsubishi spare parts. The replacement parts we used in Mitsubishi repairs are all original Mitsubishi products.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.

CNC Machine Control Systems Repair

mitsubishi-cncWe provide maintenance and repair services for electronic cards, motor drives, entry-exit card units belonging to Fanuc, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Heidenhain, Syntec, LNC, Mazak, Okuma, Yaskawa, Indramat, Fadal, Hurco, Matsura and Amada Punch brand Cnc machines.

You can trust Berk Electronic in all brand repairs. Berk Electronic has a team of specialists in the repair of all mentioned brands, state-of-the-art test equipment and spare parts.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.

Robotic Automation Systems Repair


Fanuc, ABB and Kuka brand robots, power control cards, axis cards, control panel, control panel, electronic cards and servo driver units maintenance and repair services are provided.

You can trust Berk Electronic in all brand repairs. Berk Electronic has a team of specialists in the repair of all mentioned brands, state-of-the-art test equipment and spare parts.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.

EDM Erosion Systems Repair


We provide maintenance and repair services for electronic card units belonging to Charmilles, Fanuc, Mitsubishi, Sodick, Makino, Brother, Electronica, Chemer, and Satisloh brand Drilling, Wire Erosion, Plunge Erosion benches.

You can trust Berk Electronic in all brand repairs. Berk Electronic has a team of specialists in the repair of all mentioned brands, state-of-the-art test equipment and spare parts.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.

Other Machine Systems Repair


Textile machines, sock machines, spinning machines, artificial leather machines, printing and packaging machines and medical equipment maintenance and repair services are provided.

You can trust Berk Electronic in all brand repairs. Berk Electronic has a team of specialists in the repair of all mentioned brands, state-of-the-art test equipment and spare parts.

The products that are repaired are delivered in working condition by making tests in our test simulator.